World War II - 1940

In March 12, Finland surrenders to the USSR, ending the brief Russo-Finnish war that began when the Soviets invaded Finland on November 30, 1939. On April 9, Denmark surrenders to Germany. Germany invades Norway. On May 10, Winston Churchill becomes the new Prime Minister of Britain, replacing Chamberlain. Germany invades the Netherlands; it surrenders four days later. Germany invades Belgium. On May 16, Operation Dynamo begins, the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk on the Belgian coast. On May 28,, Belgium surrended to Germany. June 10: Norway surrenders to Germany. Italy declares war on Britain and France. On June 14, German troops enter Paris. On June 18, The USSR invades the Baltic states. France surrenders to Germany on June 22. Germany invades the Channel Islands. This will be the only part of Britain to be occupied by the Germans on June 30.

The British sink the French fleet at Oran. On July 3. The Battle of Britain begins. Germany bombs Britain, and the British defend themselves from the air in what Winston Churchill would call their "finest hour" on July 6. On August, Italy invades British Somaliland, marking the beginning of World War II in Africa. Italy invades Egypt on September 3. Hungary and Romania sign the Tripartite Pact, becoming part of the Axis on November 30.